Welcome to the Mystery

Access the subconscious through Dreamwork & Tarot

  • "THE BEST AND MOST FUN TAROT READING OF MY LIFE. Alex is truly adept at gleaning resonant interpretations of your intentions through the cards. Drawing from her decade of experience dancing with these archetypes, she mixes her breadth of knowledge on the history of the tarot and her deeply intuitive understanding of myth, symbolism, and psychology to help you tell the most honest and raw story to propel you forward on your path. Readings with her significantly impacted me during a very vulnerable time in my life. I don’t think I would’ve made it out without the hope and trust they reignited in me."


  • "I had such a powerful experience receiving tarot from Alex. Her intuition flows so naturally when listening to what the cards have to say. She asks the right questions that really invoke introspection. I felt Very held, supported, and empowered as she guided me through such vulnerable inquiries. Very profound and impactful, all in all. "


  • "Alex has been amazing every time I have met with her. I have done the tarot reading with her twice. Being miles away, she can always feel the energy going through me. The cards have always helped me guide my life when I feel stuck or have some energy, as if something is coming. She has always listened very well and tried to navigate the readings in a way that would be very helpful for me to find my purpose. Her advice, after seeing what the cards are trying to say has been positive and telling me ways to move forward from situations."


  • "Since working with Alexandra I have seen myself explode with life. She helped me find the clarity and information I needed to take a step in a new direction - one towards health."


  • "I just want to say thank you again for yesterday's session. I feel so unlocked and aligned today - and closer to myself. It feels really good. I'm super loving this work and I'm so grateful this opportunity crossed my path."


  • "Alexandra is a genuine healer. I am an internal medicine physician and I have recommended her to many of my patients."

    Dr. Drew Factor

  • "I am blown away by my session last night. I just keep repeating, "I am loved by my ancestors who are a part of me". Thank you."

    ThetaSoma™ Trainee

  • "I am beyond words for how full I feel. Full of food, full of rest, full of creativity, full of dreams, creativity, insight and potential. Full of gratitude. Communing with you all is a gift."

    ThetaSoma™ Trainee

  • "I have been having some really deep, incredible emotional experiences connecting to my younger self. It's amazing to me because I have been doing this work for so long but something really shift and dropped down when we met. Thank you for your gifts."

    Holistic Psychedelics Client

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